This is our previous Terms of Service. To view our latest terms of use visit our Terms and Polices page.

Previous Terms of Use


Last Updated: September 17th, 2018


Welcome and thank you for your interest in RealScout, Inc. (“RealScout,” “we” or “us”). The following Terms of Use, and any additional terms and policies incorporated by reference herein (collectively, the “Terms”), govern your access and use of the website located at and all other web sites, mobile sites, applications, widgets, tools, and other services provided by us which a link to these Terms Policy is displayed (collectively the “Sites”), as well as the content, features and services available on or through the Sites (collectively, together with the Sites, the “Services”). The terms “you” and “your” refer to the user using or visiting the Services.

Use of the Services by real estate brokers and agents is also subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the RealScout Agent Membership Agreement (the “Agent Agreement”). In the event of any conflict between these Terms and the Agent Agreement, the Agent Agreement will govern.


  1. Use of the Services
    • License. You are granted a limited, non-sublicensable license (“License”) to access and use the Services solely on the terms and conditions set forth in these Terms. Such License is for your informational, noncommercial and personal use only (except as permitted in the Agent Agreement) and does not include (and you are prohibited from): (a) any resale or commercial use of the Services (except as permitted in the Agent Agreement); (b) the collection, reproduction and use of property listings, pictures or descriptions or other content and information obtained from the Services except in connection with your or your client’s consideration of the purchase or sale of particular properties; (c) the distribution, public performance or public display of any portion of the Services including, without limitation, the content and information obtained from the Services; (d) modifying or otherwise making any derivative uses of the Services; (e) use of any data mining, robots or similar data gathering or extraction methods; (f) any reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling or hacking of any aspect of the Services or any part thereof, or attempting to do any of the foregoing, except and solely to the extent permitted by these Terms; (g) downloading (other than the page caching) of any portion of the Services or any information contained therein, except as expressly permitted by these Terms; or (h) any use of the Services other than for their intended purpose. Any use of the Services other than as specifically authorized herein, without the prior written permission of RealScout, is strictly prohibited and will terminate the License granted herein. Such unauthorized use may also violate applicable laws including without limitation copyright and trademark laws and applicable communications regulations and statutes. Unless explicitly stated herein, nothing in these Terms will be construed as conferring any license to intellectual property rights, whether by estoppel, implication or otherwise. This license is revocable at any time.
    • Third-Party Content. Most of the content and information on or available through the Services is either obtained through publicly available government sources or through multiple listing services or was otherwise posted, transmitted, distributed or made available by third parties, including other users. Any opinions, advice, offers, listings, text, photographs, video, messages, descriptions, or other information or content provided, expressed or made available by, or originating from, third parties (including brokers, agents and their clients), including any content or information accessed through links from the Services (collectively the “Third-Party Content”), is solely the responsibility and liability of such third party and not RealScout. You acknowledge that such Third-Party Content represents the opinions and judgments of the respective information providers or users, and RealScout does not approve, endorse, control, or adopt any Third Party Content and makes no representation or warranties of any kind regarding such Third Party Content, including without limitation regarding its accuracy, completeness, reliability, timeliness, or legality. You acknowledge and agree that RealScout is not responsible or liable in any manner for any Third Party Content, or any errors that may be contained therein, and undertakes no responsibility to update or review any Third Party Content. Any use or reliance on any content or materials posted via the Services or obtained by you through the Services is at your own risk. Issues of data accuracy may be brought to the attention of RealScout by sending feedback but it is likely that such information accuracy cannot be corrected by RealScout and the entity or person that generated the information must be appealed to. For example: incorrect listing information can only be changed by the third party listing agent under our terms with the various multiple listing services (each an “MLS”) that we use.
    • Third Party Products and Services. You may have been referred to RealScout through a third-party, or RealScout may introduce or refer you to third parties through the Services, such as real estate agents or brokers. In addition, RealScout may host profiles for agents or otherwise provide information about or links to third-party products or services in connection with the Services. Any referrals made or information or links provided by RealScout are for your convenience only. Regardless of whether the RealScout name or logo appears in connection therewith, RealScout does not endorse, recommend, or make any representations or warranties of any kind regarding any third parties or third party products, services, providers, promotions or vendors, including real estate agents or brokers, you connect with or learn about through the Services or that are listed on or linked to from the Services (collectively the “Third-Party Products and Services”). Your business dealings or interactions with such third parties, and any terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings or regarding any Third-Party Product and Services, are solely between you and such third party. RealScout is not responsible or liable in any manner for any Third-Party Products and Services, for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result thereof, or for your dealings or interactions with any third parties. Nor is RealScout responsible or liable for any viruses or other damage you might incur when using or linking to Third Party Products and Services.
    • Hyperlinks. RealScout makes no claim or representation regarding, and accepts no responsibility for, the quality, content, nature or reliability of third-party Web sites, mobile sites or applications accessible through the Services, or linking to the Services. Such sites are not under the control of RealScout, and RealScout is not responsible for the contents of any such site or app or any link contained therein. RealScout provides these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply affiliation, endorsement or adoption by RealScout of any site or any information contained therein. When you click on a third-party link, you leave the Services, and you should be aware that our terms and policies no longer govern. You should review the applicable terms and policies, including privacy and data gathering practices, of any site or app to which you navigate from the Services.
    • Equal Housing Opportunity. All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) has published guidelines for those who advertise homes for sale. You can report housing discrimination to HUD in a number of ways, including via phone at 1-800-669-7777 or via web form. HUD provides a number of resources for consumers and professionals relating to fair housing. This is a good place to start: State governments and many local governments have similar laws prohibiting discrimination in housing. This excellent resource can help you find local fair housing enforcement agencies around the country:
  2. Registration
    • Log In Credentials. In order to use certain features of the Services, you may have to register for an account on the Services. When registering, you may be required to provide RealScout with certain personal information, which may include your name, mailing address, and email address. See RealScout’s Privacy Policy for information on how this information will be used. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your log-in credentials in order to use the Services, and are fully responsible for all activities that occur through the use of your credentials. You agree to notify RealScout immediately of any unauthorized use of your log-in credentials or any other breach of security with respect to your account. RealScout will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from unauthorized use of your credentials prior to you notifying RealScout of such unauthorized use or loss of your credentials.
    • Accuracy of Your Information. You agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself to RealScout. You also agree to update the information about yourself promptly, and as necessary, to keep it current and accurate. If messages sent to an email address provided by you are returned as undeliverable, RealScout reserves the right to terminate your account immediately with or without notice to you and without any liability to you or any third party or any obligation to refund any amounts paid.
    • Registration and Account Restrictions. You agree not to: (i) create a false identity or impersonate another person or entity in any way; (ii) create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission; (iii) create more than one personal profile; (iv) create another account without RealScout’s express written permission, if RealScout previously disabled your account. You agree not to share your password, let anyone else access your account, transfer your account or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account.
  3. General
    • Consideration. You understand and agree that these Terms are entered into in consideration of your use of the Services and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged.
    • Changes to these Terms. To the full extent permitted by applicable law, RealScout reserves the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in these Terms or any policy or guideline applicable to the Services, at any time and in its sole discretion by providing notice in accordance with this paragraph that the Terms have been modified. Such notice may be provided by sending an email, by posting a notice on the Site, by posting the revised Terms and revising the date at the top of these Terms or by such other form of notice as determined by RealScout. Your continued use of the Services following the posting of the revised Terms or other notice of such changes will constitute your acceptance of such changes or modifications. Otherwise, any changes or modification will be effective within thirty (30) days of the posting of the revisions on the Services unless you notify RealScout within such thirty (30) day period that you do not agree to the changes and you stop using the Services. Therefore, you should review these Terms of Use frequently to make sure that you understand the terms and conditions that will apply to your use of the Services. Notwithstanding the preceding sentences of this Section, no revisions to these Terms will apply to any dispute between you and RealScout that arose prior to the date of such revision.
    • Evolving Nature of the Services. The Services are subject to change at any time. RealScout reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate, suspend, make changes to or modify the Services and its features and functionality, without notice. We continually strive to improve the Services but if you are at any time dissatisfied with the Services, then your sole remedy is to discontinue use of the Services. We do want to hear from our users so do not hesitate to send us an email at to let us know what you think.
    • Additional Terms. The Services may occasionally require that you agree to additional terms in order to use the Services, including those relating to Third Party Products and Services. Any terms required by RealScout for use of any portion of the Services offered by RealScout (but not those of any Third Party Products and Services) will, unless otherwise expressly stated in such terms, supersede these Terms in the event of a conflict only as to the content, functionality or features of the Services with respect to which those terms relate. Such additional terms (if any) (but not those of any Third Party Products and Services) are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these Terms by reference.
  4. User Content and Conduct
    • User Content.

      “User Content” means any content or material that users post, upload or transmit to or through the Services including, without limitation, text, photos, video, graphics, music, sound, messages, materials, data, information, comments, messages, or any other items . You are solely responsible for all User Content you create, post, upload or transmit to the Services, and you agree that such User Content will not (i) infringe or violate the rights of any third party, (ii) violate any applicable law, rule or regulation, (iii) be unlawful, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, vulgar, indecent, lewd, sexually explicit, suggestive, violent, harassing, threatening, harmful, hateful, abusive, inflammatory, false, misleading, fraudulent or otherwise objectionable or (iv) contain any viruses, corrupted data or other harmful, disruptive or destructive files.

      You agree, represent, and warrant that (i) any User Content you upload or transmit to the Services complies with these Terms and is truthful, accurate, not misleading, and offered in good faith, (ii) you have all rights, licenses, permissions, and authorizations necessary to upload or transmit the User Content to the Services and grant the rights to the User Content as set forth in these Terms, (iii) you will not upload or transmit any User Content to the Services where the rights have not been cleared for the Use (defined below) of such User Content on the Services, and (iv) the Use of such User Content in a manner consistent with these Terms will not infringe or violate the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, patent and other intellectual property rights or other protected rights, such as the rights of privacy or publicity. We have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor, review, access, and remove any or all of your User Content from the Services at our sole discretion.

    • License Grants. License Grants. You retain ownership of any User Content you provide to the Services. If you post, upload, transmit or otherwise provide any User Content to or through the Services, you hereby grant RealScout a nonexclusive, unrestricted, perpetual, assignable, sublicensable, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide license to publish, reproduce, distribute, publicly display, market, promote, make available, publicly perform, edit, adapt, translate, create derivative works from, and otherwise use (collectively, “Use”) such User Content, or any portion thereof 1) to deliver, maintain, update, improve, protect, market and promote our current and future Services, 2) to comply with any data requests as required by law, or 3) as expressly permitted by the user.
    • User Conduct. You agree not to, and not to assist others to:
      • Upload or otherwise transmit to the Services any User Content that violates the User Content rules set forth in Section 4.a above or that contains a link to such material;
      • Attempt to, or harass, abuse, bully, intimidate or harm or advocate or incite harassment, abuse, bullying, intimidation or harm of another person or group, including RealScout employees;
      • Upload, post or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes or any other form of solicitation (commercial or otherwise);
      • Solicit, collect or attempt to solicit or collect personal information from other users of the Services, or disclose personal information about a third person on the Services or obtained from the Services without the consent of such person, except as permitted in accordance with the Agent Agreement;
      • Restrict, discourage or inhibit any person from using the Services;
      • Use the Services, without RealScout’s express written consent, for communicating or facilitating any commercial advertisement or solicitation, except as permitted in accordance with the Agent Agreement;
      • Gain unauthorized access to the Services, to other users’ accounts, names or personally identifiable information, or to other computers or website connected or linked to the Services;
      • Post, transmit or otherwise make available any virus, worm, spyware or any other computer code, file or program that may or is intended to damage or hijack the operation of any hardware, software or telecommunications equipment, or any other aspect of the Services or communications equipment and computers connected to the Services;
      • Remove, disable, damage, circumvent or otherwise interfere with any security-related features of the Services, features that prevent or restrict the use or copying of any part of the Services or any content on the Services, or features that enforce limitations on the use of the Services or any content on the Services;
      • Use any scraper, spider, cheats, exploits, robots or other automated means of any kind to access, modify or interfere with the Services, or harvest or manipulate data, except and solely to the extent permitted by these Terms and the features of the Services, deep-link to any feature or content on the Services, bypass any robot exclusion headers or other measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Services;
      • Crawl, scrape or download any property or other data for inclusion in another real estate search service, content aggregator, or for any other purpose not expressly permitted by these Terms;
      • Interfere with or disrupt the Services, networks or servers connected to the Services or violate the regulations, policies or procedures of such networks or servers;
      • Post any content or material that promotes or endorses false or misleading information or illegal activities, or endorses or provides instructional information about illegal activities or other activities prohibited by these Terms; and
      • Engage in any activities in connection with the Services that violate any applicable law, rule or regulation.
    • Enforcement of Rules. Enforcement of the user content and conduct rules set forth in these Terms is solely at RealScout’s discretion, and failure to enforce such rules in some instances does not constitute a waiver of our right to enforce such rules in other instances. In addition, these rules do not create any private right of action on the part of any third party or any reasonable expectation that the Services will not contain any content or conduct that is prohibited by such rules. 
  5. Intellectual Property Rights
    • Generally. The content made available on or through the Services, including without limitation, any text, software, graphics, designs, photos, sounds, music, videos and logos, may be protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights and owned by RealScout, third party licensors of RealScout or users of the Services. Except as explicitly permitted on the Services, no material made available on the Services may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way without written permission of the copyright owner. Modification of materials obtained from the Services, including, but not limited to, User Content, for any other purpose, including, without limitation, any commercial purpose, is a violation of the copyrights and other proprietary rights of RealScout or its licensors, unless you have obtained express written authorization to the contrary. All design rights, databases and compilations and other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered, and related goodwill are proprietary to RealScout or its licensors or users.
    • Trademarks. REALSCOUT, the RealScout logo and any other RealScout product or service name, logo or slogan contained or used in connection with the Services are trademarks or service marks of RealScout and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of RealScout. You may not use any metatags or any other "hidden text" utilizing "RealScout" or any other name, trademark or product or service name of RealScout without our prior written permission. In addition, the look and feel of the Services, including all page headers, custom graphics, button icons and scripts, is the service mark, trademark and/or trade dress of RealScout and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without our prior written permission. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned in the Services are the property of their respective owners. Reference to any products, services, processes or other information, by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation thereof by us.
    • No Implied Rights. There are no implied licenses granted in these Terms.
    • Feedback. You agree that RealScout shall acquire, and you hereby grant and otherwise transfer to RealScout, any and all right, title, and interest in and to any actual or suggested modifications, design changes, improvements, and other information regarding the features and performance of the Services you offer (“Feedback”) to RealScout, without the payment of additional consideration.
  6. Service Security

    You are prohibited from violating, or attempting to violate, the security of the Services. Any such violations may result in criminal and/or civil penalties against you, as well as the termination of your privilege to use the Services, at RealScout’s sole discretion. RealScout reserves the right to investigate any alleged or suspected violations and, if a criminal violation is suspected, refer such suspected violation to the appropriate law enforcement agencies and cooperate fully with such investigations, including, but not limited to, the disclosure of any or all of your activities on or related to the Services.

  7. Children

    The Services are not intended for children under the age of 18. By using the Services, you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18, you are not authorized to use or access the Services.

  8. MLS Terms, Disclosures and Disclaimers

    Information about individual properties is provided by many listing sources, including one or more multiple listing services. Listing information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. By using the Site, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

    • You acknowledge that the individual multiple listing service (MLS), which supplies the listing data, owns such data and you acknowledge the ownership and validity of that MLS’s copyright to such data;
    • Information provided through the Site may be used only for personal, non-commercial use and only use by a viewer with a bona fide interest in the purchase, sale or lease of real estate of the type being offered via the Site or other electronic means; and
    • The viewer will not copy, redistribute or retransmit any of the data or information provided.

    The “Days on RealScout” value is derived from the date the listing was first displayed on RealScout's Services, not from data in the MLS listing. The Site is offered by RealScout, Inc. located at 548 Market St #98337, San Francisco, California 94104-5401. You may contact us by sending correspondence to the foregoing address or by emailing us at

    The following disclaimers apply to listings only from that particular data source:

    Spartanburg MLS © 2024 Spartanburg MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Unlock MLS (Austin MLS) Information provided from the Austin Board of REALTORS® / ACTRIS All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. The Austin Board of REALTORS®, ACTRIS and their affiliates provide the MLS and all content therein “AS IS” and without any warranty, express or implied. IDX information is provided exclusively for consumers’ personal, non-commercial use, and it may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Data is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by the MLS. Texas Real Estate Commission Consumer Protection Notice

    SmartMLS The data relating to real estate for sale on this website appears in part through the SMARTMLS Internet Data Exchange program, a voluntary cooperative exchange of property listing data between licensed real estate brokerage firms, and is provided by SMARTMLS through a licensing agreement. Listing information is from various brokers who participate in the SMARTMLS IDX program and not all listings may be visible on the site. The property information being provided on or through the website is for the personal, non-commercial use of consumers and such information may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Some properties which appear for sale on the website may no longer be available because they are for instance, under contract, sold or are no longer being offered for sale. Property information displayed is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. Copyright 2024 SmartMLS, Inc.

    Sun Valley Board of Realtors (SVBR) © 2024 Sun Valley Board of Realtors. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Marco Island Area MLS (MIAAOR) © 2024 Marco Island Area MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Greater Cincinnati MLS (CincyMLS) © 2024 Greater Cincinnati MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Iron County Board of Realtors (ICBOR) Information is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. © 2024 Iron County Board of Realtors. The information on this sheet has been made available by the MLS and may not be the listing of the provider.

    Taos County Association of Realtors MLS (TCAR) © 2024 Taos County Association of Realtors MLS (TCAR). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Great Smoky Mountains Association of Realtors (GSMAR) © 2024 Great Smoky Mountains Association of Realtors (GSMAR). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Hawaii MLS (HiCentral MLS) Copyright HI Central MLS. All rights reserved. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

    Hudson County MLS (HCMLS) The information is being provided by Hudson County MLS. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Information is provided for consumers personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than the identification of potential properties for purchase. Copyright 2024 Hudson County MLS. All Rights Reserved.

    NorthWest MLS (NWMLS) © 2024 NWMLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. Listings provided by NWMLS. The information contained in this listing has not been verified by the agent/brokerage and should be verified by the buyer. To submit a request for a takedown notice per the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the 'DMCA') for any NWMLS listings please see these guidelines.

    Waco Association of Realtors © 2024 Waco Association of Realtors. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Garden State MLS (GSMLS) The data relating to real estate for sale on this website comes in part from the IDX Program of Garden State Multiple Listing Service, L.L.C. Real estate listings held by other brokerage firms are marked as IDX Listing. The dissemination of listings on this website does not constitute the consent required by N.J.A.C. 11:5.6.1 (n) for the advertisement of listings exclusively for sale by another broker. Any such consent must be obtained in writing from the listing broker. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. This information is being provided for Consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties Consumers may be interested in purchasing. © 2024 Garden State Multiple Listing Service, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

    Flint Hills Association of Realtors (FHAR) ©2024 Flint Hills Association of REALTORS MLS. This information is being provided by Flint Hills Association of REALTORS. Internet Data Exchange (IDX) information is provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. The accuracy of all information, regardless of source, including but not limited to open house information, square footage, and lot size, is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be personally verified through personal inspection by and/or with the appropriate professionals. The data contained herein is copyrighted by Flint Hills Association of REALTORS and is protected by all applicable copyright laws. Any unauthorized dissemination of this information is in violation of copyright laws and is strictly prohibited.

    NorthWest Arkansas Board of Realtors (NABOR) © 2024 NorthWest Arkansas Board of Realtors. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Doorify MLS (DMLS) Listings marked with a Doorify MLS icon are provided courtesy of the Doorify MLS, of North Carolina, Internet Data Exchange Database. Brokers make an effort to deliver accurate information, but buyers should independently verify any information on which they will rely in a transaction. The listing broker shall not be responsible for any typographical errors, misinformation, or misprints, and they shall be held totally harmless from any damages arising from reliance upon this data. This data is provided exclusively for consumers’ personal, non-commercial use. Copyright © 2024 Doorify MLS of North Carolina. All rights reserved.

    Northeast Florida MLS (realMLS) + Space Coast MLS (SCAR) The data relating to real estate for sale on this website comes in part from the Internet Data Exchange program of Northeast Florida MLS. Real estate listings may be marked with the Internet Data Exchange logo and detailed information about those properties will include the name of the listing broker(s) when required by the MLS. All rights reserved.

    Northwest Indiana Realtor Association (NIRA) The content relating to real estate for sale and/or lease on this Web site comes in part from the Internet Data eXchange (“IDX”) program of the Northwest Indiana REALTORS® Association Multiple Listing Service (“NIRA MLS”). and is communicated verbatim, without change, as filed by its members. This information is being provided for the consumers’ personal, noncommercial use and may not be used for any other purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing or leasing. The accuracy of all information, regardless of source, is deemed reliable but is not warranted, guaranteed, should be independently verified and may be subject to change without notice. Measurements are solely for the purpose of marketing, may not be exact, and should not be relied upon for loan, valuation, or other purposes. Featured properties may not be listed by the office/agent presenting this information. NIRA MLS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO LISTINGS PROVIDED THROUGH THE IDX PROGRAM INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NIRA MLS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ERRORS CONTAINED HEREIN OR FOR ANY DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH THE FURNISHING, PERFORMANCE, OR USE OF THESE LISTINGS. Listings provided through the NIRA MLS IDX program are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and which Act makes it illegal to make or publish any advertisement that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. NIRA MLS does not knowingly accept any listings that are in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings included in the NIRA MLS IDX program are available on an equal opportunity basis. Copyright 2024 NIRA MLS - All rights reserved. 800 E 86th Avenue, Merrillville, IN 46410 USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE. No part of any listing provided through the NIRA MLS IDX program may be reproduced, adapted, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or any information storage and retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of NIRA MLS. The information contained herein including but not limited to all text, photographs, digital images, virtual tours, may be seeded and monitored for protection and tracking. If you believe any NIRA MLS listing contains material that infringes your copyrighted work, please visit to review our DMCA policy and learn how to submit a takedown request.

    Columbus Board of Realtors (CBOR) IDX information is provided exclusively for personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. The listing broker’s offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed.

    Nassau County MLS (AINCAR) © 2024 Nassau County MLS (AINCAR). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    MLSListings © 2024 MLS Listings Inc. All rights reserved. The data relating to real estate for sale on this website comes in part from the Internet Data Exchange program of the MLS Listings Inc. MLS system. The broker providing this data believes the data to be correct, but advises interested parties to confirm all information before relying on it for a purchase decision. The information being provided is for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. MLS Data hosted on

    Northern Nevada MLS (NNRMLS) The information provided by Northern Nevada Regional MLS is for the consumer’s personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties the consumer may be interested in purchasing. Any information contained herein is derived from the licensed property of and copyrighted by NNRMLS. Information is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. © 2024 Northern Nevada Regional MLS. All rights reserved.

    Bay East / CCAR / BridgeMLS Bay East ©2024. CCAR ©2024. bridgeMLS ©2024. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. This information is being provided by the Bay East MLS, or CCAR MLS, or bridgeMLS. The listings presented here may or may not be listed by the Broker/Agent operating this website. This information is intended for the personal use of consumers and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Information updated every 30 minutes.

    CAAR/GAAR/HRAR ©2024 Charlottesville Area Association of REALTORS®. All rights reserved. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

    Bareis MLS (BAREIS) Copyright 2024, Bay Area Real Estate Information Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    Incline Village MLS (IVBOR) © 2024 Incline Village Board of REALTORS®. All rights reserved. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

    Canopy MLS (CMLS) The data relating to real estate on this website derive in part from the Internet Data Exchange program. Brokers make an effort to deliver accurate information, but buyers should independently verify any information on which they will rely in a transaction. All properties are subject to prior sale, change or withdrawal. Neither RealScout nor any listing broker shall be responsible for any typographical errors, misinformation, or misprints, and they shall be held totally harmless from any damages arising from reliance upon this data. This data is provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties they may be interested in purchasing. © 2024 Canopy MLS.

    MiRealSource Originating MLS: %{det_listing_service} Provided through IDX via MiRealSource. Courtesy of MiRealSource Shareholder. Copyright MiRealSource. The information published and disseminated by MiRealSource is communicated verbatim, without change by MiRealSource, as filed with MiRealSource it by its members. The accuracy of all information, regardless of source, is not guaranteed or warranted. All information should be independently verified. Copyright 2024 MiRealSource. All rights reserved. The information provided hereby constitutes proprietary information of MiRealSource, Inc. and its shareholders, affiliates and licensees and may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, scanning or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from MiRealSource, Inc. Provided through IDX via MiRealSource, as the 'Source MLS', courtesy of the Originating MLS shown on the property listing, as the Originating MLS. The information published and disseminated by the Originating MLS is communicated verbatim, without change by the Originating MLS, as filed with it by its members. The accuracty of all information, regardless of source, is not guaranteed or warranted. All information should be independently verified. Copyright 2024 MiRealSource. All rights reserved. The information provided hereby constitutes proprietary information of MiRealSource, Inc. and its shareholders, affiliates and licensees and may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, scanning or information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from MiRealSource, Inc.

    Tahoe Sierra MLS (TSMLS) The information being provided is for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any other purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. © Copyright Tahoe Sierra Multiple Listing Service. All rights reserved.

    Pikes Peak MLS (PPMLS) The real estate listing information and related content displayed on this site is provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. This information and related content is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by the Pikes Peak REALTOR® Services Corp.

    South Tahoe MLS (STAR) © Copyright South Tahoe Association of Realtors. All rights reserved.

    San Diego MLS (SANDICOR) This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. You should rely on this information only to decide whether or not to further investigate a particular property. BEFORE MAKING ANY OTHER DECISION, YOU SHOULD PERSONALLY INVESTIGATE THE FACTS (e.g. square footage and lot size) with the assistance of an appropriate professional. You may use this information only to identify properties you may be interested in investigating further. All uses except for personal, non-commercial use in accordance with the foregoing purpose are prohibited. Redistribution or copying of this information, any photographs or video tours is strictly prohibited. This information is derived from the Internet Data Exchange (IDX) service provided by San Diego MLS. Displayed property listings may be held by a brokerage firm other than the broker and/or agent responsible for this display. The information and any photographs and video tours and the compilation from which they are derived is protected by copyright. Compilation © 2024 San Diego MLS®, Inc.

    Fort Lauderdale MLS The multiple listing information is provided by Ft. Lauderdale MLS. Copyright © 2024 Ft. Lauderdale MLS. All Rights Reserved. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed accurate. This information should be independently verified if any person intends to engage in a transaction in reliance upon it. The information provided is for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Some or all of the listings displayed may not belong to the firm whose web site is being visited.

    Hive MLS (fka North Carolina Regional MLS) Copyright © 2024 NCRMLS/Cape Fear Realtors MLS, Inc. All rights reserved. All information provided by the listing agent/broker is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Information being provided is for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing.

    Real Estate Information Network (REIN) © 2024 REIN, Inc. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed The listings data displayed on this medium comes in part from the Real Estate Information Network, Inc. (REIN) and has been authorized by participating listing Broker Members of REIN for display. REIN's listings are based upon Data submitted by its Broker Members, and REIN therefore makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy of the Data. All users of REIN's listings database should confirm the accuracy of the listing information directly with the listing agent. © 2024 REIN. REIN's listings Data and information is protected under federal copyright laws. Federal law prohibits, among other acts, the unauthorized copying or alteration of, or preparation of derivative works from, all or any part of copyrighted materials, including certain compilations of Data and information. COPYRIGHT VIOLATORS MAY BE SUBJECT TO SEVERE FINES AND PENALTIES UNDER FEDERAL LAW. REIN updates its listings on a daily basis. Some listings may be duplicated in the search results due to the co-mingling of listings from more than one multiple listing service. Should there be different listing information between the duplicated listings; user is advised to verify the accuracy of the listing information before making any financial decisions. Some or all of the listings (or listings Data) represented in this application have been enhanced with Data not provided by REIN. The enhancements are as follows: WalkScore, Public Record Data, Room Categorization. The source of these enhancements are: WalkScore, Retsly, and RealScout. This application does not include information on all of the properties available for sale at this time.

    Pocono Mountains Association of Realtors (PMAR) The data relating to real estate for sale on this web site includes listings held by MLS-IDX Participants of the Internet Data Exchange program of the Multiple Listing Service of the Pocono Mountains Association of Realtors®. Listings marked with the Internet Data Exchange logo are not necessarily the listings of the owner of this web site. All listing data is the copyrighted property of the aforesaid Association and its MLS-IDX Participants with all rights reserved. The information contained herein is believed to be accurate, but no warranty as such is expressed or implied.

    Lexington-Bluegrass Association of Realtors (LBAR) Information is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. © 2024 Lexington-Bluegrass Association of REALTORS®. The information on this sheet has been made available by the MLS and may not be the listing of the provider.

    Greater Erie MLS (GEBOR) The data relating to real estate for sale on this web site comes in part from the Internet Data exchange (“IDX”) program of Greater Erie Board of Realtors (GEBOR). Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Any use of search functions of data on the site, other than by a consumer looking to purchase real estate, is prohibited. Copyright© 2024 Greater Erie Board of Realtors.

    White Mountain Association of Realtors (WMAR) © 2024 White Mountain Association of Realtors. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Binghamton NY MLS (GBAR) The multiple listing data appearing on this website, or contained in reports produced therefrom, is owned and copyrighted by Greater Binghamton Association of Realtors and is protected by all applicable copyright laws. Information provided is for viewer's personal non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties the viewer may be interested in purchasing. All listing data, including but not limited to square footage and lot size is believed to be accurate, but the listing Agent, listing Broker and Binghamton Region Multiple Listing Service, Inc. and its affiliates do not warrant or guarantee such accuracy. The viewer should independently verify the listed data prior to making any decisions based on such information by personal inspection and/or contacting a real estate professional. Data Copyright 2024 Greater Binghamton Association of Realtors, Inc.

    Elmira-Corning Regional MLS (ECRAR) The data on this website relating to real estate for sale comes in part from the IDX Program of the Multiple Listing Service of the Elmira-Corning Regional Association of REALTORS®, Inc. All information is believed accurate but not guaranteed. The properties displayed may not be all of the properties available through the IDX Program. Any use of this site other than by potential buyers or sellers is strictly prohibited. 2024 Elmira-Corning Regional Association of Realtors® Multiple Listing Service

    Metro MLS Copyright 2024 Multiple Listing Service, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. Information is supplied by seller and other third parties and has not been verified. IDX information is provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing.

    SW Florida MLS (Bonita Springs-Estero) (BER) The data relating to real estate for sale displayed on this Website comes in part from the Multiple Listing Service of the Bonita Springs-Estero Association of REALTORS®, Inc. Properties displayed on this Website include properties listed with brokerage firms other than the brokerage providing this Website. Detailed information about such properties includes the name of the brokerage firm with which the seller has listed the property. The properties displayed may not be all the properties listed with brokerage firms participating in the Bonita Springs-Estero Association of REALTORS® Multiple Listing Service, or contained in the database compilation of the Bonita Springs-Estero Association of REALTORS® Multiple Listing Service.

    Coastal Carolinas Association of Realtors MLS (CCMLS) Provided courtesy of the Coastal Carolinas MLS. © 2024 Coastal Carolinas Multiple Listing Service, Inc. IDX information is provided exclusively for consumers’ personal, non-commercial use, that it may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing, and that the data is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by CCMLS.

    Houston MLS (HARMLS) Copyright © 2024, Houston Realtors Information Service, Inc. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified.

    reSOURCE (Brown Harris Stevens) All information is from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, prior sale or withdrawal without notice. No representation is made as to the accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate and all information should be confirmed by customer. All rights to content, photographs and graphics reserved to Broker. Customer should consult with its counsel regarding all closing costs, including without limitation the New York State 1% tax paid by buyers on residential properties over $1 million. Broker represents the seller/owner on Broker's own exclusives, except if another agent of Broker represents the buyer/tenant, in which case Broker will be a dual agent with designated agents representing seller/owner and buyer/tenant. Broker represents the buyer/tenant when showing the exclusives of other real estate firms.

    Southern Arizona MLS (MLSSAZ) The data relating to real estate listings on this website comes in part from the Internet Data Exchange (IDX) program of Multiple Listing Service of Southern Arizona. IDX information is provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. All Information Is Deemed Reliable But Is Not Guaranteed Accurate. Listing information Copyright 2024 MLS of Southern Arizona. All Rights Reserved.

    Heartland Multiple Listing Service (HCMLS) The information displayed on this page is confidential, proprietary, and copyrighted information of Heartland Multiple Listing Service, Inc. (“Heartland MLS”). Copyright 2024, Heartland Multiple Listing Service, Inc. Heartland MLS and your current agent do not make any warranty or representation concerning the timeliness or accuracy of the information displayed herein. In consideration for the receipt of the information on this page, the recipient agrees to use the information solely for the private non-commercial purpose of identifying a property in which the recipient has a good faith interest in acquiring. As consideration for the right to search this website operated by %{agent_name} for properties for sale or lease, I/We (“User”) agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. All data displayed on this website about properties for sale or lease are the proprietary asset of the Heartland Multiple Listing Service, Inc. (“HMLS”). HMLS owns all Intellectual Property Rights in and to such data, or the compilation of such data, including all copyright, patent, trade secret, or trademark rights. User will not contest HMLS’ Intellectual Property Right claims, nor assist others in doing so. User agrees that in the event User infringes upon HMLS’ Intellectual Property Rights in the property data displayed on this website, HMLS’ remedies at law are inadequate, and that HMLS is entitled to temporary and permanent injunctive relief to prohibit such an infringement. 2. User agrees that User is a bona fide potential purchaser or lessee of property in the market area served by HMLS and %{company_name}. User agrees that any search performed by User of properties available for sale or lease utilizing this website is solely for the purpose of identifying properties in which User has legitimate and bona fide interest in buying or leasing. 3. User agrees that User shall not use this website, or any of the property data accessible on this website, for any commercial or business purpose. User shall not sell, loan, exchange, or license, or otherwise retransmit the property data accessible on this website to any third party without the express written permission of HMLS and %{company_name}. 4. User waives any and all claims for damages of any kind against HMLS or %{company_name} by reason of Users’ use of this website, or the property data available at this website, including, but not limited to actual, punitive, special, or consequential damages, or lost profits or unrealized savings. 5. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Kansas. User agrees that any suit to enforce this Agreement shall be brought in the state or federal courts having jurisdiction over Johnson County, Kansas. User waives any objection to the personal jurisdiction of such courts. 6. In the event a judgment is entered against User in any action by or against User to enforce the parties’ obligations under this Agreement, User shall pay the prevailing parties’ attorneys fees and costs incurred in the prosecution or defense of such action. 7. User acknowledges and agrees that HMLS is a third party beneficiary of this Agreement and both %{company_name} and HMLS shall each have the authority to enforce its terms against User.

    Middle Georgia MLS (MIDGAMLS) © 2024 Mid Georgia MLS. All rights reserved. All information provided by the listing agent/broker is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified.

    Greater Lansing Association of Realtors (GLAR) © 2024 Greater Lansing Association of Realtors. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Pike Wayne MLS (PWAR) © 2024 Pike Wayne MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    MLS Now The data relating to real estate for sale on this website comes in part from the Internet Data Exchange program of NORMLS. Real estate listings held by brokerage firms other than the brokerage providing this website are marked with the Internet Data Exchange logo and detailed information about them includes the name of the listing broker(s). Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Information is provided for consumers' personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than the identification of potential properties for purchase. © 2024 NORMLS. All Rights Reserved.

    Realcomp The accuracy of all information, regardless of source, is not guaranteed or warranted. All information should be independently verified. Any use of search facilities of data on the site, other than by a consumer looking to purchase real estate, is prohibited. IDX provided courtesy of Realcomp II Ltd., REALCOMP, Copyright 2024 Realcomp II Ltd. Shareholders. REALTOR (R) licensed in the state of Michigan.

    Northern Great Lakes MLS (NGLRMLS) Information is provided by Northern Great Lakes Realtors® MLS, LLC. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. All properties are subject to prior sale, change or withdrawal. Listing(s) information is provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Copyright © 2024 Northern Great Lakes Realtors® MLS, LLC. All rights reserved.

    Central Virginia Regional Multiple Listing Service (CVRMLS) Information is provided for consumers' personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than the identification of potential properties for purchase. All or a portion of the multiple Listing information is provided by the Central Virginia Regional Multiple Listing Service, LLC, from a copyrighted compilation of Listings. All CVRMLS information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate. The compilation of Listings and each individual Listing are Copyright 2024 Central Virginia Regional Multiple Listing Service, LLC. All rights reserved.

    Adirondack-Champlain Valley MLS (ACVMLS) © 2024 Adirondack-Champlain Valley MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Lee County Association of Realtors (LCAR) © 2024 Lee County Association of Realtors (LCAR). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    East Tennessee Realtors (ETNR) © 2024 East Tennessee Realtors MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Washington County MLS (WCBR) © 2024 Washington County MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Mid America Regional Info Systems (MARIS) The information is being provided by Mid America Regional Information Systems MLS. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Information is provided for consumers' personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than the identification of potential properties for purchase. Copyright 2024 Mid America Regional Information Systems MLS. All Rights Reserved.

    IRES MLS (+ Datashares) Information source: Information and Real Estate Services, LLC. Provided for limited non-commercial use only under IRES Rules. © Copyright IRES. Listing information provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing.

    Humboldt MLS (HAR) Based on information from the Humboldt Association of REALTORS® (alternatively, from the Humboldt MS). All data, including all measurements and calculations of area, is obtained from various sources and has not been, and will not be verified by broker for accuracy. Properties may or may not be listed by the office/agent presenting the information. Copyright 2024 Humboldt Association of Realtors®. All rights reserved.

    Greater Scranton MLS (GSBR) Copyright© 2024 Greater Scranton Board of REALTORS®. The data relating to real estate for sale on this web site comes in part from the Internet Data exchange (“IDX”) program of the Greater Scranton Board of REALTORS®. IDX information is provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

    Tennessee Virginia Regional MLS (TVRMLS) © 2024 Tennessee Virginia Regional MLS (TVRMLS). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    New Jersey MLS (NJMLS) The data relating to the real estate for sale and sold listing information on this web site comes from the New Jersey Multiple Listing Service, Inc. Virtual Office Website (VOW) program. This website may not include listings or property addresses of sellers who have directed their listing brokers to withhold their listing or their property address from display on the Internet. Sold listings may have been listed and/or sold by a real estate brokerage other than %{company_name}. All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. NJMLS makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy of the data. This data and information is protected under federal copyright laws which prohibit the unauthorized copying or alternation of all or any part of copyrighted materials, including certain compilations of data and information. Copyright violators may be subject to severe fines and penalties under federal law. Source: New Jersey Multiple Listing Service, Inc © 2024 New Jersey MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Cape May MLS (CMCAOR) © 2024 Cape May MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    First Multiple Listing Service (FMLS) Listings on this website come from the FMLS IDX Compilation and may be held by brokerage firms other than the owner of this website. The listing brokerage is identified in any listing details. Information is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. If you believe any FMLS listing contains material that infringes your copyrighted work please click here to review our DMCA policy and learn how to submit a takedown request. © 2024 FMLS.

    Lincoln County Board of Realtors (LCMLS) IDX information is provided exclusively for personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Listing content is copyrighted. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be independently verified. The listing broker’s offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed.

    Selkirk MLS © 2024 Selkirk MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    East Alabama Board of Realtors (EABOR) © 2024 East Alabama Board of Realtors (EABOR). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Northeast Georgia Board of Realtors (NEGBOR) This information may contain errors And Is Not guaranteed. Information Is provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing.

    Iowa City Area AOR (ICAAR) © 2024 Iowa City Area AOR. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Allegheny Highlands MLS © 2024 Allegheny Highlands MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Outer Banks MLS (OBAR) The MLS information on this web site is being provided to you by the Outer Banks Association of REALTORS® for general informational purposes only. Contact your real estate broker or sales person for the most up to date information regarding these listings. Real estate listings include the name of the brokerage firms and listing agents. THE OUTER BANKS ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THIS MLS INFORMATION DISPLAYED ON THESE WEBSITE PAGES. THE OUTER BANKS ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® CAN NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND RESULTING FROM THE INACCURACY OF THE MLS IDX INFORMATION. All MLS IDX information is owned by the Outer Banks Association of REALTORS® and any repackaging or other use of this information is strictly prohibited. The Outer Banks Association of REALTORS® reserves the right to terminate your access to this information at any time.

    Southwest Georgia MLS (SWGAMLS) © 2024 Southwest Georgia MLS (SWGAMLS). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    MLSOSSO This is a test feed.

    Firelands MLS (FAOR) © 2024 FIRELANDS. All data subject to errors, omissions or revisions and is NOT warranted.

    West Penn Multi-List (WPML) The multiple listing information is provided by West Penn Multi-List, Inc. Copyright © 2024 West Penn Multi-List, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed accurate. This information should be independently verified if any person intends to engage in a transaction in reliance upon it. The information provided is for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Some or all of the listings displayed may not belong to the firm whose web site is being visited.

    Park City MLS (PCMLS) © 2024 Park City MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    San Antonio MLS (SABOR) © 2024 San Antonio MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. IDX information is provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use. It may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing, and the data is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by San Antonio MLS.

    UtahRealEstate (Wasatch Front MLS) Copyright © 2024 All Rights Reserved. Information not guaranteed.

    PrimeMLS Copyright 2024 PrimeMLS. All rights reserved. This information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. The data relating to real estate for sale on this website comes in part from the VOW Program of PrimeMLS. By using this site, you agree: i. that the Registrant acknowledges entering into a lawful consumer-broker relationship with the Participant; ii. that all information obtained by the Registrant from the VOW is intended only for the Registrant's personal, non-commercial use; iii. that the Registrant has a bone fide interest in the purchase, sale or lease of real estate of the type being offered through the VOW; iv. that the Registrant will not copy, redistribute, or retransmit any of the information provided except in connection with the Registrant's consideration of the purchase or sale of an individual property; v. that the Registrant acknowledges PrimeMLS's ownership of, and validity of PrimeMLS's copyright in PrimeMLS's database.

    Southeast Florida + Beaches MLS (SEF) (BeachesMLS) Source: Southeast Florida MLS / Beaches MLS. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. © 2024. The listing data on this page comes in part from the Internet Data Exchange (IDX), a collaboration between the following REALTOR® associations in the Southeast Florida Multiple Listing Service (MLS): Miami Association of REALTORS® and BeachesMLS. All rights reserved. The information being provided is for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Use of search facilities of data on the site, other than a consumer looking to purchase real estate, is prohibited.

    San Francisco MLS (SFAR) © 2024 San Francisco Association of REALTORS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. All data, including all measurements and calculations of area, is obtained from various sources and has not been, and will not be, verified by broker or MLS. All information should be independently reviewed and verified for accuracy. Properties may or may not be listed by the office/agent presenting the information.

    Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors (GLVAR) Copyright Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors. All rights reserved. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

    Stellar MLS (StellarMLS) The information being provided by My Florida Regional MLS DBA Stellar MLS is for the consumer's personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties the consumer may be interested in purchasing. Any information relating to real estate for sale referenced on this web site comes from the Internet Data Exchange (IDX) program of My Florida Regional MLS DBA Stellar MLS. Real estate listings held by brokerage firms other than this site owner are marked with the IDX/MLS logo. Information deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by My Florida Regional MLS DBA Stellar MLS.

    Scioto Valley Association of Realtors The information published and disseminated by the Service is communicated verbatim, without charge by the Service, as filed with the Service by the Participant. The Service does not verify such information provided and disclaims any responsibility for its accuracy. Each Participant agrees to hold the Service harmless against any liability arising from any inaccuracy or inadequacy of the information such Participant provides.

    Greater Lehigh Valley (GLVR) All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. All properties are subject to prior sale, change or withdrawal. Neither listing broker(s) or information provider(s) shall be responsible for any typographical errors, misinformation, misprints and shall be held totally harmless. Listing(s) information is provided for consumers personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. The data relating to real estate for sale on this website comes in part from the Internet Data Exchange program of GLVR MLS. Copyright © 2024 Greater Lehigh Valley REALTORS® All Rights Reserved.

    Lynchburg MLS (LAR) ©2024 Lynchburg Association of REALTORS® Inc. All rights reserved.

    South Jersey Shore MLS (SJSRMLS) The information from this search is provided by the 2024 South Jersey Shore Multiple Listing Service. Please be aware that not all listings produced from this search will be of this real estate company. All information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Please verify all property information before entering into a purchase. Copyright 2024 Multiple Listing Service of South Jersey Shore. All rights reserved.

    TheMLS (CLAW) Copyright © 2024 Combined LA Westside Multiple Listing Service, Inc. All rights reserved. All information provided by the listing agent/broker is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Information being provided is for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing.

    Greater Roanoke Valley MLS (RVAR) © 2024 Roanoke Valley MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    New River Valley MLS (NRVAR) © 2024 New River Valley MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    MLS Property Information Network (MLS PIN) The property listing data and information set forth herein were provided to MLS Property Information Network, Inc. from third party sources, including sellers, lessors and public records, and were compiled by MLS Property Information Network, Inc. The property listing data and information are for the personal, non commercial use of consumers having a good faith interest in purchasing or leasing listed properties of the type displayed to them and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties which such consumers may have a good faith interest in purchasing or leasing. MLS Property Information Network, Inc. and its subscribers disclaim any and all representations and warranties as to the accuracy of the property listing data and information set forth herein.

    Ashland Board of Realtors (ABOR) The information published and disseminated by the Service is communicated verbatim, without charge by the Service, as filed with the Service by the Participant. The Service does not verify such information provided and disclaims any responsibility for its accuracy. Each Participant agrees to hold the Service harmless against any liability arising from any inaccuracy or inadequacy of the information such Participant provides.

    Kanab MLS (KANAB) © 2024 Kanab MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Santa Barbara MLS (SBMLS) This information is being provided for your personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties that you may be interested in purchasing. Data relating to real estate for sale on this Website comes from the Internet Data Exchange Program of the Santa Barbara Multiple Listing Service. All information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. All properties are subject to prior sale, change or withdrawal. Neither the Santa Barbara Multiple Listing Service nor the listing broker(s) shall be responsible for any typographical errors, misinformation, or misprints.

    Fresno Association of Realtors (Fresno MLS) © 2024 Fresno Association of REALTORS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. Based on information from the Fresno Association of REALTORS. All data, including all measurements and calculations of area, is obtained from various sources and has not been, and will not be, verified by broker or MLS. All information should be independently reviewed and verified for accuracy. Properties may or may not be listed by the office/agent presenting the information.

    Columbus Board of Realtors (CCOR) © 2024 Columbus and Central Ohio Regional MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Triad MLS The information is being provided by Triad Multiple Listing Service, Inc. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Information is provided for consumers' personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than the identification of potential properties for purchase. Copyright 2024 Triad Multiple Listing Service, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    Realtors Association of Southern Kentucky (RASK) Information is provided exclusively for consumers’ personal, non-commercial use, may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing, and is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate.

    Central Texas MLS (CTXMLS) © 2024 Central Texas MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Hinesville Association of Realtors (HABR) © 2024 Hinesville Association of Realtors. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Plumas MLS (PLUMASMLS) Plumas Association of Realtors Electronic Data Display The information on this form is from varying sources. Neither the brokers nor the agents nor the Plumas Association of Realtors have verified it. Buyer is advised to consult with appropriate professional experts. Information being provided is for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. © Copyright Plumas Association of Realtors. All rights reserved.

    Wisconsin Real Estate Exchange (WIREX) Copyright 2024 %{det_listing_service} - All Rights Reserved. Information is supplied by seller and other third parties and has not been verified. IDX information is provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing.

    Monmouth-Ocean MLS (MORMLS) The information is being provided by Monmouth-Ocean MLS. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Information is provided for consumers' personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than the identification of potential properties for purchase. © 2024 Monmouth-Ocean MLS. All Rights Reserved.

    Maui MLS (RAMAUI) The information is being provided by REALTORS® Association of Maui, Inc. Multiple Listing Service. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Information is provided for consumers' personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than the identification of potential properties for purchase. Copyright 2024 REALTORS® Association of Maui, Inc. Multiple Listing Service. All Rights Reserved.

    Lubbock Association of Realtors (LAR) © 2024 Lubbock Association of Realtors (LAR). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Hudson Valley Catskill Region MLS (HVCRMLS) The data on this website relating to real estate comes from the (IDX) of the Multiple Listing Service of Ulster County. Real estate listings of brokerage firms other than the brokerage providing this site are marked with the IDX logo and the detailed information about them includes the listing broker's name. This information is provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Copyright © 2024 by the Multiple Listing Service of Ulster County and Ulster County Board of Realtors. All rights reserved.

    Maine MLS Listing data is derived in whole or in part from the Maine IDX and is for consumers’ personal, noncommercial use only. Dimensions are approximate and not guaranteed. All data should be independently verified. © 2024 Maine Real Estate Information System, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ”

    Midland Board of Realtors (MIDBOR) © 2024 Midland Boar of Realtors (MIDBOR). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Mammoth Lakes Board of Realtors (MLBOR) © 2024 Mammoth Lakes Board of Realtors. This information is deemed reliable, but not verified or guaranteed. Buyer is advised to verify accuracy of all information. We do business in accordance with the federal, state, and local fair housing laws.

    Sumter MLS © 2024 Sumter MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Greater Alabama MLS (GALMLS) Information not guaranteed. There is no express or implied warranty by MLS of the accuracy of information which should be independently verified. Copyright 2024 by the Greater Alabama MLS, Inc.

    San Francisco MLS (SFAR) + NORCAL MLS Alliance © 2024 San Francisco Association of REALTORS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. All data, including all measurements and calculations of area, is obtained from various sources and has not been, and will not be, verified by broker or MLS. All information should be independently reviewed and verified for accuracy. Properties may or may not be listed by the office/agent presenting the information.

    New York State MLS Alliance (NYSAMLS) The data relating to real estate on this web site comes in part from the Internet Data Exchange (IDX) Program of NYSAMLS’s. Real estate listings held by other firms than the associated agent's firm are marked with the IDX logo and detailed information about them includes the Listing Broker’s Firm Name. All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be independently verified. All properties are subject to prior sale, change or withdrawal. Neither the listing broker(s) nor the providing agent's firm shall be responsible for any typographical errors, misinformation, misprints, and shall be held totally harmless. © 2024 CNYIS, UNYREIS, WNYREIS. All rights reserved.

    Greater Pee Dee MLS (PDMLS) © 2024 Greater Pee Dee MLS (PDMLS). This information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Participant's, Associates, and Subscriber's only and is not intended for usage by the public. Under no circumstances should the information contained herein be relied upon by any person in making a decision to purchase any of the described properties. MLS users should be advised and should advise prospective purchasers to verify all information in regard to the property by their own independent investigation and, in particular, to verify, if important to them, room sizes, square footage, lot size, property boundaries, age of structures, school district, flood insurance, zoning restrictions and easements, fixtures or personal property excluded, and availability of water and sewer prior to submitting an offer to purchase the property. Please be aware, properties may have audio/video recording devices in use.

    Greater Tulsa Association of Realtors (GTAR) The information on MLS listings has been assembled from various sources of varying degrees of reliability. Information that is critical to your buying decision should be independently verified. All dimensions are approximate and not guaranteed. Copyright MLS Technology, Inc. © 2024

    Pacific Regional MLS (PACMLS) All information herein is provided by third parties and is deemed generally reliable, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Measurements and other detailed information are assumed approximate only. The PACMLS shall not be liable in any way to any party for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the material and information provided herein, or any resulting claims, whether for delays or damages, or otherwise." - This Information Provided Courtesy of PACMLS | Copyright ©2024. All rights reserved.

    SW Florida MLS (NABOR) The source of the information about real property available for sale or rent is the copyrighted and proprietary database of the M.L.S. of Naples, Inc. © 2024 M.L.S. of Naples, Inc.; all rights reserved.

    Summit MLS © 2024 Summit County MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Bryan-College Station Regional AOR (BCS) © 2024 Bryan-College Station Regional AOR (BCS). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Greater Chattanooga Association of Realtors (GCAR) The information being provided is for consumers’ personal, noncommercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing.

    Hawaii MLS (HiCentral MLS) Copyright HI Central MLS. All rights reserved. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

    RealTracs MLS © 2024 RealTracs. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Cape Cod & Islands (CCIMLS) The data on this website relating to real estate for sale comes in part from the IDX Program of the Cape Cod & Islands Multiple Listing Service. All information is believed accurate but not guaranteed. The properties displayed may not be all of the properties available through the IDX Program. Any use of this site other than by potential buyers or sellers is strictly prohibited. © 2024 Cape Cod & Islands Multiple Listing Service. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Savannah Multi-List Corporation (SMLC) © 2024 Savannah Multi-List Corporation. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Warren County MLS © 2024 Warren County MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Greenwich MLS (GMLS) Information provided by the Greenwich Multiple Listing Service, Inc. © 2024. Any information relating to a property, regardless of source, including but not limited to square footage, lot sizes, price, or status is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be personally verified through personal inspection and/or with the appropriate professionals.

    Lawton Board of Realtors (LBR) © 2024 Lawton Board of Realtors. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Willamette Valley MLS (WVMLS) © 2024 Willamette Valley MLS. Based on information from Willamette Valley Multiple Listing Service, which neither guarantees nor is in any way responsible for its accuracy. All data is provided AS IS and with all faults. Data maintained by Willamette Valley Multiple Listing Service may not reflect all real estate activity in the market.

    Athens County Board of REALTORS (ACBOR) All measurements (including sq. ft.) are a courtesy estimate only and should not be relied upon without independent verification by the Buyer. The listing broker's offer of compensation (BOC) is made only to participants of the Athens County MLS.

    Olympic Listing Service (OLS) © 2024 Olympic Listing Service. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Grand County MLS (GCAR) © 2024 Grand County MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Greater Louisville Association of Realtors (GLAR) The data relating to real estate for sale on this web site comes in part from the Internet Data Exchange Program of Metro Search, Inc.

    Knox County Board of Realtors MLS (KCBR) © 2024 Knox County Board of Realtors Multiple Listing Service. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Northwest Ohio Regional Information System (NORIS) The data relating to real estate for sale on this website comes in part from the Broker Reciprocity Program of the NORIS MLS. Real estate listings held by brokerage firms other than the brokerage providing this website are marked with the Broker Reciprocity logo or the Broker Reciprocity thumbnail logo (a little black house) and detailed information about them includes the name of the listing brokers. Listing broker has attempted to offer accurate data, but buyers are advised to confirm all items. This data is updated daily. Some properties which appear for sale on this website may subsequently have sold and may no longer be available. Broker Reciprocity information is provided exclusively for consumers’ personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Any use of search facilities of data on the site, other than by a consumer looking to purchase real estate, is prohibited. Copyright© 2024 NORIS MLS.

    Fargo-Moorhead Area Association of Realtors (FMRMLS) © 2024 Fargo-Moorhead Area Association of Realtors. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Berkshire County Board of Realtors (BCMLS) © 2024 Berkshire County Board of Realtors (BCMLS). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    California Regional MLS (CRMLS) The information being provided by California Regional Multiple Listing Service, Inc. (“CRMLS”) is for your personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties you may be interested in purchasing. Any information relating to a property referenced on this web site comes from CRMLS. This web site may reference real estate listing(s) held by a brokerage firm other than the broker and/or agent who owns this website. The accuracy of all information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be personally verified through personal inspection by and/or with the appropriate professionals. The data contained herein is copyrighted by CRMLS and is protected by all applicable copyright laws. Any dissemination of this information is in violation of copyright laws and is strictly prohibited. Information from sources other than the Listing Agent may have been included in the MLS data.

    High Country MLS (HCAR) The information from this search is provided by the High Country Multiple Listing Service. Please be aware that not all listings produced from this search will be of this real estate company. All information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Please verify all property information before entering into a purchase. Copyright 2024 Multiple Listing Service of the High Country Association of REALTORS®, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Vail MLS (VMLS) © 2024 Vail MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Martinsville MLS (MVMLS) © 2024 Martinsville MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Coeur d'Alene Association of Realtors (CDAMLS) © 2024 Coeur d'Alene Association of Realtors. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Williamsburg MLS (WMLS) Copyright Williamsburg Multiple Listing Service, Inc. All rights reserved. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

    Upper Cumberland Association of Realtors (UCAR) © 2024 Upper Cumberland Association of Realtors. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    South Central Kansas MLS (SCKMLS) © 2024 South Central Kansas MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Lake Havasu MLS (LHAR) © 2024 Lake Havasu MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Arizona Regional MLS (ARMLS) © 2024 Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service, Inc. All rights reserved. All information should be verified by the recipient and none is guaranteed as accurate by ARMLS.

    Northern Mountains of Pennsylvania MLS (NMPAMLS) © 2024 Northern Mountains of Pennsylvania MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    RMLS - Oregon & Washington State (RMLS) The content relating to real estate for sale on this web site comes in part from the IDX program of the RMLS of Portland, Oregon. Real estate listings held by brokerage firms other than the brokerage providing this website are marked with the RMLS logo, and detailed information about these properties includes the names of the listing brokers. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Listing content is copyright © 2024 RMLS, Portland, Oregon.

    Central Georgia MLS (CGMLS) © 2024 Central Georgia MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Global MLS (GMLS) ©2024 Global Multiple Listing Service, Inc. The data relating to real estate on this website comes in part from the Internet Data Exchange program of the GMLS. All information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be independently verified. All properties subject to prior sale, change, or withdrawal. Neither listing broker(s), GMLS shall be responsible for any typographical errors, misinformation, or misprints, and shall be held totally harmless from any damages arising from reliance upon these data. IDX information is provided exclusively for consumers’ personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties they may be interested in purchasing.

    Martin County Realtors of the Treasure Coast (MCRTC MLS) The data relating to real estate for sale on this web site comes in part from a cooperative data exchange program of the Realtor Association of Martin County, Inc. MLS. Real estate listings held by brokerage firms other than Redfin are marked with the IDX logo (Broker Reciprocity) or name and detailed information about such listings includes the name of the listing brokers. Data provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. Information is provided for consumers' personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than the identification of potential properties for purchase. Copyright 2024 Realtor Association of Martin County, Inc. MLS. All Rights Reserved.

    Bareis MLS (BAREIS) + SFAR/East Bay Copyright 2024, Bay Area Real Estate Information Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    Santa Fe Association of Realtors MLS (SFAR) © 2024 Santa Fe Association of Realtors MLS (SFAR). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Southwest Multiple Listing Service (SWMLS) © 2024 Southwest Multiple Listing Service (SWMLS). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Daytona Beach MLS (DBAAR) The information is being provided by Daytona Multiple Listing Service. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Information is provided for consumers' personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than the identification of potential properties for purchase. Copyright 2024 Daytona Multiple Listing Service. All Rights Reserved.

    Hilton Head MLS © 2024 Hilton Head MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Michigan Regional Information Center (MichRIC) The data on this website relating to real estate for sale comes in part from the IDX Program of the MichRIC (Michigan Regional Information Center), LLC. All information is believed accurate but not guaranteed. The properties displayed may not be all of the properties available through the IDX Program. The information being provided is for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties for purchasing or leasing. © 2024 MichRIC, LLC. All rights reserved.

    Sedona Verde Valley Association of Realtors (SVVAR) © 2024 Sedona Verde Valley Association of Realtors. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Greater Greenville Association of Realtors (GGAR) © 2024 Greater Greenville Association of Realtors. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    MetroList All measurements and all calculations of area are approximate. Information provided by Seller/Other sources, not verified by Broker. All interested persons should independently verify the accuracy of information. Provided properties may or may not be listed by the office/agent presenting the information. Copyright 2024 MetroList Services, Inc. Information being provided by Metrolist Services, Inc. is for consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. Terms of Use 1. The following are terms of a legal agreement between you, the person viewing and/or using this Internet site (User) and the operator of this Internet site (Provider.) By accessing, browsing and/or using this Internet site (Site), User acknowledges that User has read, understood, and agrees to be bound by these terms and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to U.S. export and re-export control laws and regulations. If User does not agree to these terms, User is not authorized to use this Site. The material provided on this Site is protected by law, including, but not limited to, United States Copyright law and international treaties. 2. User must be a prospective purchaser or seller of real estate with a bona fide interest in the purchase or sale of such real estate. 3. All real estate data provided on this Site is strictly for the personal, private, non-commercial use of User and is not made available for redistribution, retransmission, reformatting, modification or copying. User may not sell or use any of the real estate data on this Site for any purpose other than attempting to evaluate houses or properties for sale or purchase by User. User acknowledges that the real estate data on this Site is provided by MetroList Services, Inc., a California corporation (MetroList), and User acknowledges the validity of MetroList's copyright as to such data. User expressly acknowledges and agrees that MetroList is a third-party beneficiary of these Terms of Use, and that MetroList will be entitled to enforce these Terms of Use against User. 4. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the data on this Site is provided "as is," without warranty or representation of any kind, either express or implied, as to the nature, quality, characteristics or value of any property or information to which the data pertains. NEITHER PROVIDER NOR METROLIST MAKES ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE DATA DISPLAYED ON THIS SITE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR AS TO THE TIMELINESS, ACCURACY AND/OR COMPLETENESS OF THE DATA. 5. NEITHER PROVIDER NOR METROLIST SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, LOSS OF DATA, LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF CUSTOMERS OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS), ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE DATA DISPLAYED ON THIS SITE, WHETHER THE CLAIM OR CAUSE OF ACTION ARISES IN TORT, CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY. 6. User agrees that the prevailing party or parties in any action brought to enforce or for breach of these Terms of Use shall be entitled to recover, in addition to any other relief, that party's or those parties' reasonable attorney's fees and court costs incurred in such action from the non-prevailing party or parties

    Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED) Copyright 2024 Midwest Real Estate Data LLC. All rights reserved. The data relating to real estate for sale on this web site comes in part from the Broker Reciprocity Program of the Midwest Real Estate Data LLC. Listing information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. NOTICE: Many homes contain recording devices, and buyers should be aware they may be recorded during a showing

    REcolorado (+ Datashares) The content relating to real estate for sale in this Website comes in part from the Internet Data eXchange (IDX) program of METROLIST, INC., DBA RECOLORADO®. Real estate listings held by brokers other than the brokerage providing this website are marked with the IDX Logo. This information is being provided for the consumers’ personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any other purpose. All information subject to change and should be independently verified. 1. This publication is designed to provide information regarding the subject matter covered. It is displayed with the understanding that the publisher and authors are not engaged in rendering real estate, legal, accounting, tax, or other professional services and that the publisher and authors are not offering such advice in this publication. If real estate, legal, or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent, professional person should be sought. 2. The information contained in this publication is subject to change without notice. METROLIST, INC., DBA RECOLORADO MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. METROLIST, INC., DBA RECOLORADO SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ERRORS CONTAINED HEREIN OR FOR ANY DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH THE FURNISHING, PERFORMANCE, OR USE OF THIS MATERIAL. 3. PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Colorado Fair Housing Act, which Acts make it illegal to make or publish any advertisement that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. 4. METROLIST, INC., DBA RECOLORADO will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. 5. © 2024 METROLIST, INC., DBA RECOLORADO® – All Rights Reserved 6455 S. Yosemite St., Suite 500 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 USA 6. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE. No part of this publication may be reproduced, adapted, translated, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The information contained herein including but not limited to all text, photographs, digital images, virtual tours, may be seeded and monitored for protection and tracking.

    St. Augustine and St. Johns County MLS (SASJCMLS) © 2024 St. Augustine and St. Johns County MLS (SASJCMLS). Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

    Rhode Island State-Wide MLS (State-Wide MLS) © 2024 Rhode Island Statewide MLS. Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed.

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